Aug 31, 2007

Russian Jeep


This time it will be a truly authentic Russian jeep with the unique design. UAZ? Niva? No ... it's Moskvitch!The M-2150 is self-development AZLK-plant based prototype M-415/416 1960. Design remained almost the same. Fornt and rear suspension was live axle with semi-elliptical springs, a comfortable lounge (as the M-2140), drive a motor UMZ-412 (1.48 litre, 75 HP), max velosity 120 km/h. Very impressive off-road capabilities.
Again, the series did not go. A pity, because the unique characteristics of the car - less than UAZ, more than Niva. Comfortable, dynamic (because it was charged by motor from Ufa motor plant, it is like vroom-vroom to be flexible and live), and the original "soviet laconic" exterior.


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