Aug 31, 2007

ZiM is not for all


It's real cool! If you have this car - you are Communist "Bonza": VIP worker with all of the all goods of soviet life in 1950th. This vehicle was not available to ordinary citizens, it is not sold in sale.
The design of this car reminds American dream rides from late of 1950th: Mercury or Lincoln. Produced in 1950-1960's on Molotov's Car Plant (ZiM), later GAZ. The index gained 12. Inside used most expensive at that time material: plastic, it was steering wheel and some decors into dashboards, and the real wood.
First time GAZ-12 was painted in two colors: brown or black, later began to paint two colors simultaneously. In early 1960's was popular in the big cities as taxis, and VIP communist functionaries.

Brief GAZ-12 :

Number of seats - 6
Drive type - rear
Weight - 2390 kg
Length - 5530 mm
Width - 1900 mm
Height - 1660 mm
Wheelbase - 3200 mm
Track front/rear - 1460/1500 mm
Top speed - 160 km/h.
Engine model - GAZ-12
Type - Inline 6 cylinders
Displacement - 3.48 litres.
Fuel system - 1 carburetor type K-21
Max. output - 90 h.p. in 3600 rpm
Max. torque - 210 N*m at 2100 rpm
Clutch - dry single disc
Transmission - mechanical, three gears


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